=== Hestia Pro === Contributors: themeisle Tags: blog, custom-logo, portfolio, e-commerce, rtl-language-support, post-formats, grid-layout, one-column, two-columns, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, full-width-template, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, editor-style, footer-widgets, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, wide-blocks Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 5.0 Stable tag: 2.0.7 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Hestia Pro fits all business, startups, corporate businesses, online companies, portfolios, e-commerce (WooCommerce), and freelancers. == Description == Hestia is a modern WordPress theme for professionals. It fits creative business, small businesses (restaurants, wedding planners, sport/medical shops), startups, corporate businesses, online agencies and firms, portfolios, ecommerce (WooCommerce), and freelancers. It has a multipurpose one-page design, widgetized footer, blog/news page and a clean look, is compatible with: Flat Parallax Slider, Photo Gallery, Travel Map and Elementor Page Builder . The theme is responsive, WPML, Retina ready, SEO friendly, and uses Material Kit for design. == Copyright == Hestia WordPress theme, Copyright 2018 Themeisle Hestia is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 or later == Changelog == ##### [Version 3.0.4](https://github.com/Codeinwp/hestia-pro/compare/v3.0.3...v3.0.4) (2020-08-03) - [Fix] Compatibility with WP 5.5 ##### [Version 3.0.3](https://github.com/Codeinwp/hestia-pro/compare/v3.0.2...v3.0.3) (2020-07-09) - Removed onboarding from the free version ##### [Version 3.0.2](https://github.com/Codeinwp/hestia-pro/compare/v3.0.1...v3.0.2) (2020-06-25) - [Fix] Compatibility issues with PHP 7.4 - [Fix] Layout of the attribute archive page - [Fix] Position of show/hide password icon on the My Account page - [Fix][Pro] Allow iframe code in the Custom Layouts - [Fix][Pro] Translatable Custom Layouts - [Fix][Pro] Remove unused sidebar control meta box on single portfolio pages - [Fix][Pro] Empty team member widget appearing on mobile - [Fix][Pro] Seamless add to cart mechanism for variable products ##### [Version 3.0.1](https://github.com/Codeinwp/hestia-pro/compare/v3.0.0...v3.0.1) (2020-05-11) [Fix] Missing Font Awesome icons [Fix] Fatal error when using Yoast [Fix] Secondary color missing in the blocks color palette [Fix][Pro] Second button link in the Big title section [Fix][Pro] Check if attachment exists when swap images are used on the Shop page [Fix][Pro] Seamless add to cart mechanism #### [Version 3.0.0](https://github.com/Codeinwp/hestia-pro/compare/v2.5.7...v3.0.0) (2020-04-28) - [Feat] [PRO] New Custom Layouts module - [Feat] [PRO] New options for Single Products ( Exclusive Products, Seamless Add to Cart ) - [Feat] [PRO] New Payment Icons on the Cart page - [Feat] [PRO] New option for custom image style effects on the Shop page - [Feat] New layout control for the Shop Sidebar - [Feat] [PRO] New Off-Canvas Sidebar option for the Shop Page - [Feat] Option to enable/disable cross-sells products on the Cart page - [Feat] Moved Starter Sites remotely - [Fix] Code refactoring and improvements - [Fix] Load Font Awesome based on usage - [Fix] Upgrade default Font Awesome icons to FA 5 - [Fix] Related products layout when using Elementor Pro Single Product template - [Fix] [PRO] Compatibility with Elementor Pro Header and Footer templates - [Fix] [PRO] Duplicated related product image in Elementor Pro templates - [Fix] Small tweaks to the White Label module - [Fix] Header Background color in the WP editor blocks - [Fix] Transparent logo on mobile - [Fix] Allow skipping cropping the transparent logo - [Fix] Slider icons position in RTL mode - [Fix] Display tags on product pages = 2.5.7 - 2020-04-01 = * Add new post causes errors in WP 5.4 = 2.5.6 - 2019-12-17 = * [Fix] Logo positioning for the third navigation layout option and no widgets * [Fix] Sync between the image set as the featured image for the Frontpage and the image from the About section * [Fix] Customizer icons missing when Font Awesome was not loaded * [Fix] Compatibility with the Menu Icons plugin while the transparent menu is on = 2.5.5 - 2019-11-14 = * [Feat] Dedicated logo option for the transparent header * [Fix] Subscribe form on the blog page * [Fix] Line separator compatibility with WP 5.3 = 2.5.4 - 2019-10-21 = * [Fix] Blog page Infinite Scroll compatibility with the Alternative layout * [Fix] Cover block text color not updating * [Fix][Hestia Pro] Shop page Infinite Scroll compatibility with widgets filtering * [Fix][Hestia Pro] Header layout selection for the Shop page * [Fix][Hestia Pro] Slider arrows position on RTL = 2.5.3 - 2019-09-13 = * [Fix] Improved About page layout * [Fix] License validation mechanism for Starter Sites = 2.5.2 - 2019-09-12 = * [Fix] Compatibility with Elementor Pro Menu Cart widget * [Fix] Mail and phone icons compatibility with FA5 * [Fix] Primary menu icons spacing and alignment * [Fix] Uppercase submenu items back to Sentence case * [Fix] WooCommerce product gallery images not clickable on mobile * [Perf] Small performance fixes = 2.5.1 - 2019-08-13 = * [Fix] - Header layout on the front page * [Fix] - Removed Hestia's custom integration with Gutenberg * [Fix] - Social menu icons compatibility with FA5 = 2.5.0 - 2019-08-08 = * Migrated to Font Awesome 5 * Updated the Starter Sites library = 2.4.9 - 2019-08-01 = * Allow copyright text to be changed in both Hestia and Hestia PRO * Allow HTML tags in the title and subtitle fields of the Portfolio section * Create a WPForms form as a default value for the Contact section * Updated the Google Fonts Library * Fixed header layout on the tags archive page * Fixed issue with accent color not affecting links in the front-end * Made sure the header image is translatable with WPML * Fixed sidebar layout metabox not appearing when WooCommerce was not installed = 2.4.8 - 2019-07-23 = * Speed improvement update for the Hestia Default Demo * [Hestia PRO] Fixed licensing issue in the onboarding mechanism = 2.4.7 - 2019-07-22 = * Fixed issue with Starter Sites not available in the pro packages = 2.4.6 - 2019-07-18 = * New Customizer option to control the header area on single product pages * [Hestia PRO] New meta option to control the header area on individual single product pages * Fixed alignment issue between the author title and the author image on mobile devices * Fixed header layout issue on the category page being affected by the first article layout * Move two items per line instead of one in the Our Team section for a better spacing * Lower header area and font sizes on mobile for better usage of the space * Darken color for the labels on the Checkout page = 2.4.5 - 2019-05-27 = * Fixed editor visual integration with the latest update of WordPress * Fixed duplicated comments area when using Elementor Pro templates = 2.4.4 - 2019-04-22 = * Removed weird scroll on the blog page = 2.4.3 - 2019-04-22 = * New logging mechanism to the onboarding module * Improved the whole routine for the content import in the onboarding module * Added new wp_body_open() function for WP 5.2 * Fixed logo disappearing on scroll on the distraction-free checkout mode * Made blog text color darker when using the full content articles option * Fixed portfolio featured image not visible in Firefox in the lightbox * Fixed overlapping content on the blog page * Fixed incorrect title attribute for the primary menu * Fixed Shop page layout on the third header layout * Remove title appearing in the navigation cart in the latest update of WooCommerce = 2.4.2 - 2019-04-02 = * Updated the Starter Sites library = 2.4.1 - 2019-03-29 = * Compatibility with the Header, Footer & Blocks for Elementor plugin * New Agency Travel Demo Starter Site * Fixed issue with the color picker needing two clicks * Updated the Contact and Facebook community links * Updated tags list with the new tags * Fixed importing issues with the Starter Sites * Fixed White Label error appearing lower PHP versions * Fixed issue with contact form shortcode not being translation ready * Updated Starter Sites library images = 2.4.0 - 2019-03-21 = * [Hestia Pro] New White Label module * Fixed issue with Big Title buttons shadow color * Fixed issue with Portfolio pop-up not opening in Microsoft Edge * Fixed issue with Blog options taking control over the custom post types archives pages * Fixed issue with invalid CSS inline style = 2.3.0 - 2019-03-01 = * Fixed products categories layout on the Shop pane and Homepage * Fixed issue with the title attribute not escaping HTML tags in the primary menu * New Hestia Original starter site = 2.2.1 - 2019-02-12 = * [Hestia PRO] Fixed issue with the [hestia_slider] shortcode not working * Fixed search results page layout when using the second header option * Replaced Google+ sharing option with an Email option * Fixed link for sharing on Twitter option * Fixed issue with color control updating only after two clicks = 2.2.0 - 2019-02-06 = * NEW Hestia Specific Gutenberg blocks for Otter Blocks * Improved the onboarding process * New filter for compatibility with the Central Color Palette plugin * Fixed default font weight for headings * Fixed issue with default small font size for lists * Allow HTML tags in the single product page title * Fixed problem with the footer not sticking to the bottom of the blog page * Fixed warning with the Connections plugin = 2.1.1 - 2019-01-17 = * Changed the boxed layout for the third header layout * Improved layout of the onboarding notice and page * Small layout fixes for the Orfeo child theme * Fixed the upgrade link = 2.1.0 - 2019-01-09 = * NEW Custom integration with Gutenberg * NEW Options to differentially enable/disable navigation and footer areas on posts/pages * Fixed compatibility with Everest Forms plugin * Fixed compatibility with Quiz Cat plugin * Fixed problem with the About Section background image remaining fixed in Firefox * Removed the Featured tag for the sticky posts = 2.0.19 - 2018-12-18 = * Fixed WooCommerce related product layout in Fagri * Fixed issue with the Very Top Bar not visible on Elementor Full Width page templates * Fixed issue with the Contact section content area that did not opened with Gutenberg = 2.0.18 - 2018-12-12 = * Revert Font Awesome 5 = 2.0.17 - 2018-12-11 = * Update to Font Awesome 5 = 2.0.16 - 2018-12-10 = * Updated Tested up to version to 5.0 * Removed unused notice = 2.0.15 - 2018-12-05 = * Fixed problem with Very Top Bar not visible on mobile on the single product page * Recommend Otter Blocks plugin = 2.0.14 - 2018-11-30 = * Fixed issues with the Hestia Woocommerce Demo * Updated theme license * Added back filter to allow you to display the product image in the header of the single product page = 2.0.13 - 2018-11-28 = * Fixed issues with retina images on the shop page * Fixed import from Zelle * Updated the Hestia WooCommerce demo * Recommend Neve = 2.0.12 - 2018-11-16 = * Update readme file * Fixed warnings on the typography file * [Fagri child theme] fix padding issue on the Pirate Forms form = 2.0.11 - 2018-11-09 = * Fixed fatal error happening in a few cases = 2.0.10 - 2018-11-06 = * Fixed compatibility with the latest release of WooCommerce * Fixed compatibility with Google Console * Added config file for Toolset plugin * New filters used for child themes = 2.0.9 - 2018-11-05 = * Fixed Google Console issues * Small tweaks for the Sites Library Demos = 2.0.8 - 2018-11-02 = * Gutenberg support * Fixed import for Zelle ( Zerif ) to Elementor * Improved title responsive font size for the 2nd and 3rd header layouts * Refactored the About Hestia page * Updated the readme file with correct license and used resources * Fixed some escaping issues * Fixed compatibility issues with the child themes * Updated the screenshot * Fixed error causing customizer not to load after a demo templated was imported = v2.0.4 = *Release Date - 2018-09-11* * Fixed issue with the dropdown menu active items = v2.0.3 = *Release Date - 2018-09-11* * Fixed issues with the header layout option * [Hestia PRO] Fixed problem with embeds not working in the Portfolio lightboxes * Fixed issue with the category description not visible on the category archive page * [Hestia PRO] Fixed compatibility issues with Elementor Pro * New filter for the Related Posts title that can be changed using this doc https://docs.themeisle.com/article/937-change-related-post-title-on-post-page-in-hestia-theme = v2.0.2 = *Release Date - 2018-08-29* * Fix issue with Import Zerif to Elementor notice * Fix issue with the navigation menu on the tablet = v2.0.1 = *Release Date - 2018-08-24* * Fixed issue with woocommerce buttons * Fixed issue on third layout on blog * Make elementor import notice dismissible = v2.0.0 = *Release Date - 2018-08-24* * NEW options for styling the buttons padding and border radius * [Hestia PRO] NEW option for styling the buttons hover effect ( color or shadow ) * NEW options for the Blog page ( choose content or excerpt, type of pagination and hide the categories ) * [Hestia PRO] NEW layout for the Blog page with a customizable number of columns and masonry option * New option to allow the Big Title section to be disabled * New option to disable the custom Frontpage sections * Fixed title problem on the archive pages for Chinese locals * Optimized and minified the CSS and JS files * Fixed issue with white bar appearing on mobile devices on the single product page * Refactored the code for the primary menu * Fixed issues with Elementor blocks extending outside the content of the page * Fixed issues with TinyMCE * Improved compatibility with the WPForms Lite plugin * Fixed issue on shop with older browsers = v1.1.86 = *Release Date - 2018-08-13* * Updated screenshot = v1.1.85 = *Release Date - 2018-07-26* * Improved UX for the Subscribe section in Customizer * Improved compatibility with the WooCommerce Compare List plugin * Improved compatibility with the Max Mega Menu plugin * Fixed title problem on the archive pages for locals different than English * Fixed small layout compatibility problem with Elementor = v1.1.84 = *Release Date - 2018-07-19* * Fixed compatibility issues with Thrive Architect plugin * Fixed layout issues for WooCommerce products and categories cards * Fixed layout issues for the Shop page on Internet Explorer 11 * Redone the way sections can be overridden in child themes using this documentation: * https://docs.themeisle.com/article/918-how-to-override-sections-in-hestia-pro = v1.1.83 = *Release Date - 2018-07-06* * Fixed js console errors * Fixed mobile issue with the fallback image for the video header = v1.1.82 = *Release Date - 2018-07-05* * [Hestia PRO] Fixed problem with Big Title video size on larger devices * [Hestia PRO] Fixed problem with the number of widget areas option in the Footer * Made transition to a default theme, when a PHP version lower than 5.3.29 is used * Fixed problem with the duplicated description on the products categories page * Fixed problem with the missing cookie field in the comments form * Fixed layout problem for categories on the Shop page * Fixed compatibility with Orfeo child theme * Improved Clients Bar section layout * Small code improvements = v1.1.81 = *Release Date - 2018-06-26* * Fixed products alignment issue on the shop page when a left sidebar is used * Fixed problem with the Big Title alignment option callback function = v1.1.80 = *Release Date - 2018-06-25* * Fixed issue with style enqueued for the About page = v1.1.79 = *Release Date - 2018-06-25* * Improved compatibility with WooCommerce Product Catalog options * Fixed responsive alignment issues in the Big Title section * Fixed issue with product/articles categories colors * Improved frontpage Products section layout = v1.1.78 = *Release Date - 2018-06-21* * Refactored the entire code * Redone the Big Title section for a better UX * Fixed Big Title buttons alignment and notice on the checkout page in the Orfeo child theme = v1.1.77 = *Release Date - 2018-05-24* * Fixed compatibility with WP GDPR Compliance plugin * Fixed problem with the Big Title Background not being able to be removed * Fixed problem with default content added in the Very Top Bar section = v1.1.76 = *Release Date - 2018-05-18* * Fixed problem with some redundant strings in the lite version = v1.1.75 = *Release Date - 2018-05-18* * NEW Feature to allow a widget area in the Big Title/Slider section * [Hestia PRO] Fixed alignment for the Authors Section on the Blog page * Fix fatal error on lower PHP versions = v1.1.74 = *Release Date - 2018-05-10* * [Hestia PRO] New Icon picker option in the Pricing section * Fixed problem with title meta in the Archive page header when the language is different than English * Fixed problem with duplicated titles when using the second header layout option * Fixed problem with the Big Title Second Button control not working in the Orfeo child theme * Fixed some layout issues with the WooCommerce filtering widgets in the Footer area = v1.1.73 = *Release Date - 2018-04-24* * Improved Cart page layout on mobile * Fixed problem with the About and Contact sections editor not saving the input * Fixed problem with footer section on internal pages in IE11 * Removed meta on the Archive pages - Doc to add them back https://docs.themeisle.com/article/793-how-to-add-back-category-tag-author-in-the-archive-title-in-hestia = v1.1.72 = *Release Date - 2018-04-17* * Compatibility with Elementor Pro 2.0 theme location API header and footer * NEW extra options for the Big title/Slider area - Parallax effect * UX Customize layout improvements * Fixed layout compatibility issues with the sidebar on bbpress and BuddyPress pages * Fixed layout of the Search products widget * Allow a shortcode for the Contact section * Improved compatibility with Pirate Forms Extended plugin * Fixed issue with sidebar position when the option for logged in users to be able to post comments is enabled * Fixed problem with footer sticking to the bottom of the page when to little content * Made reCaptcha button smaller on mobile devices to better accommodate the layout = v1.1.71 = *Release Date - 2018-03-14* * Fixed problem with the preview images not showing anymore on the blog page * Fixed problem with the parallax effect on inner pages = v1.1.70 = *Release Date - 2018-03-08* * Fixed alignment issues with the Featured posts area = v1.1.69 = *Release Date - 2018-03-08* * Fixed alignment issue in the featured posts area = v1.1.68 = *Release Date - 2018-03-07* * Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce 3.3 thumbnail cropping options = v1.1.67 = *Release Date - 2018-03-06* * NEW Featured posts area section on the blog * Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce 3.3 thumbnail cropping options * Fixed compatibility issues with WeGlot plugin language switcher * Fixed problems with synchronization between the About section and the front page * Fixed compatibility with the Invisible reCaptcha plugin * [Hestia PRO] Removed constricted video dimensions * Made Social Sharing strings translatable * Fixed fatal error with PHP 5.2 * Fixed issue with random images appearing on the blog page in child themes = v1.1.66 = *Release Date - 2018-02-19* * Fixed responsive alignment on the shop page = v1.1.65 = *Release Date - 2018-02-16* * Fixed compatibility issues with Pirate Forms on mobile * Fixed warning appearing in the Blog section * [Hestia PRO] Fixed empty cart layout in navigation area * Fixed issues with the Header layout control = v1.1.63 = *Release Date - 2018-02-14* * [Hestia PRO] Option to open portfolios in a lightbox * [Hestia PRO] Added animations for frontpage sections * [Hestia PRO] Fixed compatibility issues for the navigation cart with variable products * [Hestia PRO] Improved navigation cart layout on mobile devices * [Hestia PRO] Allowed some formatting tags in the Slider section buttons * New option for choosing the Header area layout * [Hestia PRO] Two new layouts for the Header area * Small fixes for WooCommerce widgets and product layouts * Made entire team member boxes clickable * Fixed problem with third level menu items getting hidden when parent menu item had description * Fixed alignment problem on IE11 for megamenu * Fixed problem with dropdown menu items on Firefox * Added styling for more widgets in the Subscribe section * Removed characters limitation for WooCommerce product's titles = v1.1.62 *Release Date - 2018-01-31* * Improved compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3 * Fixed problem with container width control not working properly * Added missing about-contact.png image * Fixed warning: Implode function invalid arguments passed = v1.1.61 = *Release Date - 2018-01-30* * Fixed problem with dismissable notification = v1.1.60 = *Release Date - 2018-01-29* * [Hestia PRO] New option to disable the transparent state of the navigation bar * [Hestia PRO] New option for changing the color in the hover state of the navigation bar items * [Hestia PRO] New Category select option for the Blog frontpage section * [Hestia PRO] Fix video header overflowing body * New Font size controls for Frontpage sections * Improved migration function from the old font size controls * Added hooks for the Clients Bar and Ribbon sections * Fixed problems with navigation color options for drop-down menus * Basic enhancements to the editor area * Small layout fixes for WooCommerce pages * Fixed synchronization function for the About frontpage section image and content * Optimize theme for a smaller size archive * Improved compatibility with Pirate Forms plugin * Made footer stick to the bottom of the pages no matter the content size * Customizer selective refresh UX changes * Added a filter to allow using the product featured image as header image on product pages using this document http://docs.themeisle.com/article/814-how-to-display-the-product-image-in-the-header-of-the-single-product-page-in-hestia * Fixed problem with Yoast SEO meta title showing on the Blog page * Fixed front page sections problem with alt tags for attached images * New hook added to allow a title and subtitle in the Clients Bar section using this doc http://docs.themeisle.com/article/816-how-to-add-a-title-and-a-subtitle-in-the-clients-bar-section-in-hestia * Fixed mobile issue with the logo on iOS devices * Other small code improvements = v1.1.59 = *Release Date - 2018-01-11* * NEW option to enable the main Header Image on all posts and pages, instead of the featured images * NEW option for selecting posts and pages individual layouts * Fixed problem with font sizes for paragraphs and headings not changing in Elementor * [Hestia PRO] Fixed compatibility issue with Elementor and the Full-screen menu Customize option * Improved font size migration function to better match the initial values * Replaced the featured image in the header with the category image for Single Product Pages * Added missing alt tag to the logo element * Improved selective refresh for all Customize options * [Hestia PRO] Improved the Blog Layout and Footer Layout controls * Fixed issue with About section background causing slow scrolling on iOS devices * Limit the number of categories, title and description's words for each WooCommerce Product box for a better layout across the site, using filters that can be further used in child themes * Two new filters to allow users changing the post meta data on single post pages and on the blog using this documentation http://docs.themeisle.com/article/807-how-to-change-post-meta-data-in-hestia = v1.1.58 = *Release Date - 2017-12-29* * Improved migration from old Font Size options to the new options * Imported theme mods when switching from a Themeisle child theme to Hestia = v1.1.57 = *Release Date - 2017-12-25* * Redone Font Size options. Added controls for Posts & Pages Title, Heading and Content * [Hestia PRO] New control for changing the Menu font size * Improved default font sizes to better suit mobile devices * [Hestia PRO] Added Code Editor and linting to Hestia PRO Hooks Page * Fixed H2 tags not displaying on the Frontpage Shop Section * Fixed conflict with Event Espresso Calendar addon * Minified images = v1.1.56 = *Release Date - 2017-11-28* * Added back titles on pages when WooCoomerce is not installed = v1.1.55 = *Release Date - 2017-11-27* * [New Feature] Scroll to top option * [New Feature] Search icon in the navigation menu * Fixed issue with primary menu items not visible on iPads * [Hestia PRO] Fixed issue with the footer widgets layout * Fixed issue with Team member section not opening external links in a new tab * [Hestia PRO] Fixed issue with navbar background color on mobile devices * [Hestia PRO] Fixed issue with navigation menu ( with the Full menu option activated ) closing button color * Improved layout for the WooCommerce Cart and Checkout pages * Fixed alignment issues with the front page sections = v1.1.54 = *Release Date - 2017-11-13* * Updated resources for bundled images * Removed duplicated featured images on single portfolio pages * Added missing IDs for Ribbon and Clients Bar sections * Fixed issue with hidden label for the custom color controls in customizer in WordPress 4.9 * Allow Skip logo cropping = v1.1.53 = *Release Date - 2017-11-06* * [Hestia PRO] NEW Video background option in the header area * [Hestia PRO] NEW Container width option * [Hestia PRO] New option for changing the Header Gradient color * Fixed compatibility issues with SiteOrigin Page Builder overriding the About section * Fixed WooCommerce layout for single product pages when no tabs were displayed = v1.1.52 = *Release Date - 2017-10-24* * Fixed problem with parallax effect in the Ribbon section on iOS * New filter for the header background wrapper to be used in a child theme, to allow users to have a featured image for each category - http://docs.themeisle.com/article/706-how-to-use-categories-featured-images-as-header-image-in-hestia * Fixed vertical alignment issue on frontpage Products section * Fixed compatibility responsive issues with Pirate Forms * Fixed callback function used for the custom logo * Fixed issue with items descriptions appearing in the primary menu * Fixed active buttons color issue in the primary menu * Fixed small JavaScript console error in Customizer = v1.1.51 = *Release Date - 2017-10-18* * [Hestia PRO] New cart icon in the primary menu when WooCommerce is used * Improved migration compatibility from Zerif to Hestia * Improved responsive layout * Fixed issues with blurred images in the Shop section on mobile * Improved frontpage sections hide/show control by adding selective refresh * Improved UX for the WYSIWYG control used in the About section * Added a basic Mega Menu compatibility - http://docs.themeisle.com/article/704-hestia-basic-mega-menu-setup * Integration with PayPal for WooCommerce plugin * Integration with MailChimp for WordPress * Fixed issues in the Primary menu with active items * Fixed small issue with font awesome icons disappearing from the About section content * Fixed small issue with selective refresh on Sidebar width option * Made all functions in template-tags.php pluggable to allow better child theme usage * Made all frontpage sections external links open in a new tab * Added some new filters to control the number of items per row appear in the Features, Testimonials and Blog Frontpage section - http://docs.themeisle.com/article/669-how-to-add-4-feature-items-on-a-line-in-hestia * Fixed issue in RTL mode with Sidebar layout control icons * Fixed selective refresh for the Tagline option = v1.1.50 = *Release Date - 2017-10-02* * NEW improved options for frontpage sections ordering/disabling * NEW Header Background gradient option * NEW default template Page with Sidebar * Improved Shop page's layout when using both categories and products * Use the blog featured image as header image on that page * Migration compatibility from Azera Shop to Hestia * Migration compatibility from Parallax One to Hestia * Migration compatibility from Llorix One Lite to Hestia * Removes generic classes, prefixed with hestia keyword now * Improved Customize layout with scrolling to the currently selected section * Fixed issue with About section image taking one of the posts images when the sections are subsequent * Fixed JS console error sometimes appearing when using cache plugins = v1.1.48 = *Release Date - 2017-09-19* * Fixed JS errors that were causing some Elementor pages not to load * Reduced the number of placeholder icons in the iconpicker to fix loading issues on some hostings * Made external links in the Clients Bar section open in a new tab * Fixed selective refresh on frontpage sections titles * Fixed problems with WooCommerce elements on RTL sites * Fixed small alignment issue with the Slider buttons on responsive mode * Fixed small visual bug on the search icon = v1.1.47 = *Release Date - 2017-09-12* * New Ribbon section * New Clients Bar section * [Hestia PRO] New WooCommerce shortcode option in the Frontpage Shop section * [Hestia PRO] Fixed issue with Frontpage Features, Team, Testimonials, Contact sections content not translatable with Polylang * Fixed Internet Explorer 11 issue with Big Title section button not clickable * Fixed Big Title/Slider issue with iframes in Safari * Reorganize Customize layout with tabs controls * Default WooCommerce image for products with no featured image * Made the Very Top Bar fixed at the top of the screen * Removed unused jQuery MatchHeight script = v1.1.46 = *Release Date - 2017-08-24* * Fixed issue with colors options not appearing in the Features section * Fixed issue with the About section not working * Recommend Elementor plugin = v1.1.45 = *Release Date - 2017-08-22* * Fixed Frontpage sections image options not working properly since the last update * Added page title in header for the blog page, instead of the Site tagline = v1.1.44 = *Release Date - 2017-08-21* * [Hestia PRO] New option to allow images instead of icons in the Features section * New option for layout alignment in the Big title/Slider Section * [Hestia PRO] New option for a second button in the Slider Section * [Hestia PRO] New color options for buttons in the Slider Section * Fixed Typography options on WooCommerce single product pages * [Hestia PRO] New panel in admin area for Hooks control * Fixed compatibility with Dokan Multivendor Marketplace plugin * Fixed compatibility with Nex Forms plugin add-on * Fixed issue with dropdown menus overflowing when large items are used in the menu * Fixed issue with products gallery on latest WooCommerce update * Fixed small responsive issues * Added some more hooks for frontpage control * Fixed vertical alignment issue with logo on mobile devices * Fixed issue with frontpage sections not centering * Separate and load CSS conditionally * Small changes to Customize layout * Changes to enqueue fonts conditionally * Changed Font subsets control to a multiple select * Removed Menu icon on mobile devices, when no menu is selected = v1.1.43 = *Release Date - 2017-08-08* * Fixed issue with colors not working in the Features section * Fixed issue with menu opening automatically on mobile devices * Fixed issue with footer icons color when the Alternative Footer option is selected = v1.1.42 = *Release Date - 2017-08-04* * Fix feature section controls. * Fix testimonial section controls. * Fix JetPack compatibility issues in customizer. * Fix subscribe section. * Improved UX of customizer. = 1.1.41 = *Release Date - 2017-07-28* * New Top Bar section * [Hestia PRO] Top Bar section colors and alignment options * New Multiple Header Layouts * [Hestia PRO] New Option for a Full width menu in header * [Hestia PRO] New Extra Options for Shop section ( category and order filters ) * New Alternative Footer Style * [Hestia PRO] New Option for selecting the number of Footer Widgets Columns * Allow HTML tags in Features, Team and Testimonials sections * Changed responsive layout of sidebar * Fixed Google Webmaster Tools errors * Added hooks for header, footer and frontpage sections * Improved subtitles spacing on frontpage * Fixed some CSS issues in the main navigation menu = 1.1.39 = *Release Date - 2017-07-21* * Fixed responsive bugs with the main navigation menu * Fixed blurred background image bug on about section on iPhone * Fixed typography bug with H1 headings not changing size on posts and pages * Added support for Snapchat, Email, Tel, Deviantart and Vimeo in the footer social menu * Open in a new tab all external links used in Big title section / Slider section * Fixed some small layout bug on checkout page for shipping options * Compressed image for a smaller archive * Smaller size images for Shop and Portfolio sections = 1.1.38 = *Release Date - 2017-07-14* * New Typography options *Style Elementor plugin's widgets *Improved all responsive structure *Improved compatibility with WooCommerce Germanized plugin *Support for hiding Hestia frontpage sections in Elementor *Improved cart and checkout layout *Fixed issue with Polylang Language switcher HTML tags used as title attribute = 1.1.37 = *Release Date - 2017-06-30* * New option to allow multiple dropdown levels for the main navigation menu * New editor style feature * New Shortcodes options for each of the frontpage sections * Compatibility with major Form plugins: Contact Form 7, WP forms, Ninja Forms, Formidable Forms, Visual Form Builder, Fast Secure Contact Form, Jetpack Contact form, MailChimp * New options for customizing the Footer layout + Support for Socials menu in the footer area * Redone some visual elements to better match the Material Design * Fixed SEO issue with the meta description on the single post page * Allow classes for i html tags in textarea inputs for the frontpage * Added versioning for all assets used in the theme * Fixed issue with contact form placeholder not working in Mozilla Firefox = 1.1.33 = *Release Date - 2017-06-20* * Fixed form placeholder issues on Mozilla Firefox * Remove support for WPML on frontpage = 1.1.32 = *Release Date - 2017-06-13* * Updated some strings = 1.1.31 = *Release Date - 2017-06-13* * New option in Hestia PRO for selecting the sidebar's width * Improved layout of cart and checkout pages for WooCommerce * Added Install & Activate buttons for the recommended plugins * Added selective refresh to all options for better UX * Added started content * Converted Contact content option from textarea to WYSIWYG * Prefixed all generic CSS classes with hestia * Fixed issue with inputs of type file beeing not visible in content * Removed the sidebar on Cart and Checkout pages * Other small CSS improvements = 1.1.30 = *Release Date - 2017-06-07* * Removed redundant trailingslashit causing warnings = 1.1.29 = *Release Date - 2017-06-07* * Redid some of the strings used in the theme * Recommend BeaverBuilder plugin instead of SiteOrigin Panels * Fixed menu dropdown colors * Fixed Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent = 1.1.28 - 2017-06-07* * Improved theme description and tags = 1.1.27 = *Release Date - 2017-06-06* * Development = 1.1.25 = *Release Date - 2017-06-06* * Refractor CSS code to SCSS * New 'Page Builder Full Width' and 'Page Builder Blank' templates for page builders * Compatibility with Elementor plugin * Compatibility with Beaver Builder plugin * Compatibility with Beaver Themer plugin * New WooCommerce sidebar * New 'Blog Sidebar Layout' option for changing the layout of the sidebar on blog pages * New 'Page Sidebar Layout' option for changing the layout of the sidebar on normal pages * Fixed issue with logo size on various dimensions * Fixed issue with duplicated Added to cart button on Firefox on frontpage * Fixed issue with primary menu active color = 1.1.24 = *Release Date - 2017-05-29* * Improved primary menu smooth scrolling option * Improved search button layout to better match the whole design * Improved description and tags = 1.1.23 = *Release Date - 2017-05-25* * Fixed issues with the WYSIWYG editor in customize * Added versioning for scripts and styles to better manage caching * Changed upsell mechanism * Removed footer layout when no widgets are added there = 1.1.22 = *Release Date - 2017-05-21* - Added default blog post images for preview - Changed the default accent color - Changed default Big title/Slider image to match screenshot - Changed header height and navbar transparency behaviour - Update license for material kit = 1.1.21 = *Release Date - 2017-05-19* * Fixed escaping issues * Changed defaults for some titles and subtitles * Added selective refresh for some theme mods = 1.1.20 = *Release Date - 2017-05-16* * Fixed prefixing issues * Added registering function for default headers * Loading main style file through get_stylesheet_uri() * Fixed small escaping issues = 1.1.19 = *Release Date - 2017-05-11* * Import content for users coming from Zerif * Allow basic HTML formatting tags in repeater textarea * Fixed issue with colors selection in child themes * Added About Hestia page = 1.1.17 = *Release Date - 2017-04-21* * Update font-awesome library * Allow HTML tags in the slider section and in the Big title section = 1.1.16 = *Release Date - 12/04/2017-04-12* * Replaced screenshot * Fixed thumbnails issues with WooCommerce 3.0.0 * Fixed jquery-ui dependency causing scripts not to load = 1.1.15 = *Release Date - 2017-04-06* * Fixed grund and fatal error when woocoommerce is not installed = 1.1.14 = *Release Date - 2017-04-06* * Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce 3.0.0 * Fixed issues with shortcodes and scripts entered in the About section = 1.1.13 = *Release Date - 2017-04-05* * Fixed issue with shortcodes used in the About section causing Customizer to not load * Fixed repeater using 'file_get_contents' function. = 1.1.12 = *Release Date - 2017-03-31* * Fixed compatibility issue with Elementor page builder plugin = 1.1.11 = *Release Date - 2017-03-28* * Fixed loading time issue in Mozilla Firefox * Fixed small layout issues * Refractor code * Improved escaping = 1.1.9 = *Release Date - 2017-03-13* * Fixed default cases for frontpage sections controls = 1.1.8 = *Release Date - 2017-03-13* * Created Hestia Companion plugin for lite users * Fixed pricing display issue on frontpage for WooCommerce products * Fixed layout issues with ul and ol lists * Added starter content for new users = 1.1.7 = *Release Date - 2017-03-02* * Fixed issue with the sidebar position when only logged in users are able to posts comments * Fixed issue with translations in the Pricing section = 1.1.6 = *Release Date - 2017-02-23* * Solved comment form issue. = 1.1.5 = *Release Date - 2017-02-09* * Make theme compatible with WPML and Polylang * Improved Customize upsell layout = 1.1.4 = *Release Date - 2017-01-25* * Use correct instructions for Sendinblue widget * Changed slider speed from 400 seconds to 10 seconds * Adjusted padding on menu items to match material kit pro = 1.1.3 = *Release Date - 2017-01-16* * Fixed issue with submit button not centering on full width pages using Pirate Forms * Added synchronized controls in the About section to allow customization * Fixed issue with hover color for menu items * Changed the way style.css is enqueued for child theme compatibility = 1.1.2 = *Release Date - 2016-12-14* * Reorganize theme files * Remove unused image * Fixed issue with sticky post layout = 1.1.1 = *Release Date - 2016-11-26* * Removed unnecessary .pot file * Fixed data validation and sanitization issues = 1.1.0 = *Release Date - 2016-11-24* * Fixed WooCommerce responsive issues = 1.0.9 = *Release Date - 2016-11-24* * Fixed text colors in the Contact section = 1.0.8 = *Release Date - 2016-11-24* * Fixed layout for the cart button * Fixed responsive issues * Fixed themecheck errors * Replaced screenshot * Improved sticky posts style * Improved contrast on frontpage sections * Improved padding and margin issues = 1.0.7 = *Release Date - 2016-11-18* * Fixed footer widgets color * Fixed sections order with WordPress 4.7 * Updated travis and fixed grunt errors * Fixed theme check errors * Display the content on frontpage = 1.0.6 = *Release Date - 2016-10-28* * Improved colors options in customizer * Compatibilty with the plugin YITH Woocommerce Zoom Magnifier * Style attachment page * Change default images ( compresed ) * Fixed responsive issues = 1.0.5 = *Release Date - 2016-10-25* * Update readme file * Fixed WooCommerce issues * Fixed section ordering on internal pages = 1.0.4 = *Release Date - 2016-10-24* * Improved sections order control * Added hover effects on comments form/subscribe form * Added show/hide controls for each section * Allow html tags in the contact section = 1.0.3 = *Release Date - 2016-10-21* * Fixed issue with sections management * Added style for the sidebar * Small improvements in layout = 1.0.2 = *Release Date - 2016-10-20* * Added support for Jetpack portfolio * Improved WooCommerce implementation * Section Order * Fixed small layout issues = 1.0.1 = *Release Date - 2016-10-18* * Alternative blog template * Improved layout style * Added option for sidebar on blog posts * Optimize the main menu * Improved WooCommerce layout * Added grunt + fix all grunt errors = 1.0.0 = *Release Date - 2016-10-03* - First version == Resources == = Libraries = * wp_bootstrap_navwalker, https://github.com/twittem/wp-bootstrap-navwalker * Copyright 2014 Twitter, Edward McIntyre, GPL-2.0+, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt * Bootstrap, http://getbootstrap.com/ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc, MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT * FontAwesome, http://fontawesome.io/ * Copyright 2015, Dave Gandy, * Font Awesome licensed under SIL OFL 1.1, http://scripts.sil.org/OFL * Code licensed under MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT * Documentation licensed under CC BY 3.0, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ * Copyright 2014, liabru, MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT * Hammer.js, https://hammerjs.github.io/ * Copyright 2011-2017, Jorik Tangelder (Eight Media), MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT * Animate on scroll.js, https://hammerjs.github.io/ * Copyright (c) 2015 Michał Sajnóg, MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT * WordPress Plugin Boilerplate, https://github.com/DevinVinson/WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate * Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, GPL-2.0 * Parallax.js, https://github.com/wagerfield/parallax * Matthew Wagerfield, René Roth, MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT = Images = * Hestia: 1.jpg, CC0, https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/girl/ * Hestia: 2.jpg, CC0, https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/winter-hat/ * Hestia Default: tropical-beach, CC0, https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/tropical-beach/ All images are licensed under CC0. Screenshot resources: * https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/mountain/ Starter Sites screenshots resources: WooCommerce * https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/sunflower/ * https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/flower/ * https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/blooming-bougainvillea-flowers/ * https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/flower-buds/ * https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/rock-flowers/ * https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/mountain-flowers/ * http://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/lilac/ Energy Panels * https://stocksnap.io/photo/J5Z48RFO76 * https://stocksnap.io/photo/QEUHCFGQNP * https://stocksnap.io/photo/WVKCUPH3RC * https://stocksnap.io/photo/KAUFJW1PEQ Vet Center * https://stocksnap.io/photo/GSBJXWRSDV Agency Travel * https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/amsterdam/ Lawyers * https://mystock.themeisle.com/photo/liberty-in-shadow/